
Ta - Tantalum

Ta tantalum nanoparticles/nanopowder

Ta2O5 tantalum oxide nanoparticles/nanopowder

TaB2 tantalum boride micropowder

TaC tantalum carbide nanoparticles/nanopowder

TaN tantalum nanoparticles/nanopowder

TaSi2 tantalum silicide nanoparticles/nanopowder

Tantalum (Ta) is a chemical element with atomic number 73, known for its exceptional physical and chemical properties. It is part of the refractory metals group due to its high melting point, resistance to corrosion, and high density. 

Physical Characteristics

  • Appearance: Tantalum is a shiny, silvery metal when pure. It is highly ductile and can be drawn into a thin wire.
  • Atomic Mass: Approximately 180.94788 atomic mass units (amu).
  • Density: About 16.69 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) at room temperature, making it one of the most dense elements.
  • Melting Point: Tantalum has a high melting point of about 3017 degrees Celsius (5463 degrees Fahrenheit), which is exceeded by only a few elements like tungsten and rhenium.


  • Electronics: Tantalum’s most significant use is in the electronics industry for manufacturing tantalum capacitors. These capacitors are essential for mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic devices due to their high capacitance per volume, reliability, and stability under varying temperatures and voltages.
  • Alloying Agent: Tantalum is added to various alloys to increase strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance. These alloys are used in aerospace components, turbine blades, and nuclear reactors.
  • Chemical Equipment: Due to its excellent resistance to acids and corrosion, tantalum is used in chemical processing equipment, including reactors, heat exchangers, and lining or cladding for steel pipes.


  • Tantalum Carbide (TaC): Known for its extreme hardness, TaC is used in cutting tools and abrasive materials. It can withstand high temperatures and is often used in tool bits for cutting applications.
  • Tantalum Oxide (Ta2O5): This compound is used in the production of special glasses with high refractive indices, making them suitable for camera lenses and other optical devices. It is also used in the manufacture of some capacitors due to its high dielectric constant.
  • Tantalum Pentachloride (TaCl5): This compound is used as a catalyst in organic chemistry, particularly in polymerization reactions.

Basics on Tantalum- Wikipedia