
JB-AlN  Aluminum Nitride Nanoparticles

JB-BN  Boron Nitride Nanoparticles

JB-TiN  Titanium Nitride Nanoparticles

JB-Si3N4  Silicon Nitride Nanoparticles

JB-VN  Vanadium Nitride Nanoparticles

JB-CrN  Chromium Nitride Nanoparticles

JB-TaN  Tantalum Nitride Micronpowder

JB-NbN Niobium Nitride Micronpowder

JB-HfN  Hafnium Nitride Micronpowder

JB-CaN Calcium Nitride Micronpowder 

Nitrogen is a fascinating and versatile element, crucial to life on Earth and widely used across various industries. It’s the seventh element on the periodic table, symbolized by “N,” and makes up about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere. 

Physical Characteristics

  • Appearance: Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas at room temperature.
  • Density: It has a low density in its gaseous form.
  • Melting Point: Nitrogen has a melting point of -210°C (-346°F).
  • Boiling Point: Its boiling point is -195.8°C (-320.4°F), making it a cryogenic liquid when liquefied.
  • Solubility: Nitrogen gas is relatively insoluble in water.


  1. Cryogenics: Liquid nitrogen (LN2) is widely used in cryogenics for its extremely low boiling point, providing rapid freezing capabilities for food preservation, medical tissue preservation, and in cryosurgery to remove skin abnormalities.

  2. Chemical Industry: Nitrogen gas is used as a blanketing medium in the chemical industry to prevent oxidation or other reactions promoted by oxygen. It’s also used in the production of ammonia via the Haber-Bosch process, a precursor for fertilizers, explosives, and other chemicals.

  3. Electronics: Nitrogen is used in the production of semiconductors, providing an inert atmosphere for the manufacturing processes of electronic components to prevent oxidation.

  4. Metal Industry: In metal processing, nitrogen is used to prevent oxidation during the heat-treating processes. It’s also used in plasma and laser cutting.


  • Ammonia (NH3): A critical compound used to produce fertilizers, explosives, and household cleaners. It’s also a precursor for many other nitrogen-containing compounds.

  • Nitric Acid (HNO3): Used in the manufacture of fertilizers, explosives, and in the synthesis of various organic compounds.

  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx, including NO and NO2): These play a role in the production of nitric acid and are significant in environmental chemistry due to their impact on air quality and the formation of acid rain.

  • Nitrates (NO3- salts) and Nitrites (NO2- salts): Used extensively as fertilizers and in food preservation.

Basics on Boron-Wikipedia