
Mn - Manganese

Mn manganese micropowder

MnB2 manganese boride micronpowder

MnSi2 manganese silicide micronpowder

Manganese is an essential element found in large quantities in the Earth’s crust and is vital for many industrial processes and biological functions. 

Physical Characteristics

  • Appearance: Manganese is a silvery-gray metal that looks similar to iron but is harder and more brittle.
  • Density: It has a density of about 7.3 grams per cubic centimeter, making it moderately dense compared to other metals.
  • Melting and Boiling Points: Manganese has a melting point of about 1246°C (2275°F) and a boiling point of 2061°C (3742°F), which are relatively high, indicating its stability under heat.
  • State at Room Temperature: Solid.


  1. Steel Production and Alloying: The primary use of manganese is in the production of steel as a deoxidizer and alloying agent. It helps remove oxygen and sulfur impurities from steel and improves its strength, toughness, and wear resistance. Manganese alloys are also used in the production of high-strength steel varieties.

  2. Aluminum Alloys: Manganese is added to aluminum alloys to improve their corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. These alloys are widely used in can production, construction, and transportation.

  3. Chemical Industry: Manganese compounds, especially manganese dioxide, are used in the manufacture of batteries, fertilizers, ceramics, and glass. It’s also a catalyst in the chemical synthesis of various organic compounds.


  • Manganese Dioxide (MnO2): This is the most important manganese compound, widely used as a depolarizer in dry cell batteries and an oxidizing agent in chemical reactions. It’s also used in water purification, as it helps remove iron and hydrogen sulfide from water.

  • Manganese Sulfate (MnSO4): Used primarily as a fertilizer to provide essential manganese nutrients to plants. It’s also used in the preparation of other manganese chemicals and in textile dyeing.

  • Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4): A strong oxidizing agent used in water treatment, air purification, and as an antiseptic. It’s also used in organic chemistry as an oxidant.

  • Manganese(II) Chloride (MnCl2): Used in the production of dry cell batteries and in the manufacture of feed additives for livestock. It’s also a precursor to other manganese compounds.

Basics on Manganese-Wikipedia