
JB-LaF3    Lanthanum Fluoride

JB-SmF3  Samarium Fluoride

JB-DyF3  Dysprosium Fluoride

JB-TmF3  Thulium Fluoride

JB-YbF3  Ytterbium Fluoride

JB-GdF3  Gadolinium Fluoride

JB-EuF3  Europium Fluoride

JB-PrF3  Praseodymium fluoride

JB-NdF3  Neodymium fluoride

JB-YF3  Yttrium Fluoride

JB-ScF3  Scandium Fluoride

JB-LuF3  Lutetium Fluoride

JB-HoF3 Holmium fluoride

JB-CeF3  Cerium fluoride

JB-ErF3  Erbium Fluoride

JB-TbF3  Terbium Fluoride 

Fluorine is a highly reactive, pale yellow gas at room temperature and is the most electronegative and reactive of all the elements. It is the lightest halogen and exists as a diatomic molecule, F2, in its free state. 

Physical Characteristics

  • Symbol: F
  • Atomic Number: 9
  • Atomic Weight: Approximately 18.998403163
  • State at Room Temperature: Gas
  • Color: Pale yellow
  • Density: About 1.696 g/L at 0°C and 1 atm
  • Melting Point: -219.67°C (-363.41°F)


  • Manufacture of Fluorinated Compounds: Fluorine is used in the production of a wide range of fluorinated organic and inorganic compounds, including refrigerants, blowing agents, and polymers like polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), commonly known as Teflon.
  • Nuclear Industry: Fluorine is a key ingredient in the preparation of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) used in the uranium enrichment process, critical for producing fuel for nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.
  • Dental and Medical Applications: Fluoride, a compound of fluorine, is added to dental products and water supplies to prevent dental cavities. Fluorine-18, a radioactive isotope, is used in positron emission tomography (PET) scans, a type of medical imaging.
  • Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals: Many pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals are fluorinated to enhance their activity or durability. Fluorine atoms can significantly alter the biological activity of these molecules.

Main Compounds

  • Hydrofluoric Acid (HF): A solution of hydrogen fluoride in water, hydrofluoric acid is used in the manufacture of fluorocarbons and as an etchant for glass and silicon in the semiconductor industry.
  • Sodium Fluoride (NaF): Used in toothpaste and water fluoridation to prevent dental cavities.
  • Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6): Used in the uranium enrichment process that produces fuel for nuclear reactors and weapons.
  • Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6): A potent greenhouse gas used as an electrical insulator in high-voltage electrical equipment.

Basics on fluorine-Wikipedia