
Eu - Europium

Eu(NO3)3.6H2O europium nitrate powder

Eu2O3 europium oxide nanopowder

EuCl3.6H2O europium chloride powder

EuF3 europium fluoride powder 

Europium is a chemical element with the symbol Eu and atomic number 63. It is part of the lanthanide series, a group of elements often referred to as rare earth metals. Europium is known for its exceptional luminescence properties, which make it highly valuable in various applications, especially in lighting and displays.

Physical Characteristics

  • Appearance: Europium is a ductile metal with a silvery-white appearance. It is relatively hard and has a slightly golden tint when in its pure form.
  • Atomic Weight: 151.964
  • Density: About 5.244 g/cm³ at room temperature, which makes it one of the lightest lanthanide metals.
  • Melting Point: 826°C (1519°F)
  • Boiling Point: 1529°C (2784°F)
  • Electron Configuration: [Xe] 4f^7 6s^2


  • Phosphors for Lighting and Displays: Europium-doped phosphors are crucial in the manufacturing of fluorescent lamps, LED lights, and flat-panel displays, including TVs, computer monitors, and smartphones. Europium can emit red and blue light with high efficiency when excited, which is fundamental in creating the broad spectrum of colors seen in LED and LCD displays.
  • Tracers and Markers: Due to its luminescent properties, europium is used in the biomedical field as tracers in research and diagnostic assays.
  • Counterfeit Deterrence: Europium compounds that fluoresce under ultraviolet light are used in anti-counterfeiting measures in banknotes and important documents.


  • Europium Oxide (Eu2O3): A widely used compound in the production of phosphors for TV screens, lamps, and fluorescent lights. It serves as a red and blue phosphor in color TV tubes.
  • Europium Chloride (EuCl3): Used as a catalyst in organic synthesis and in the preparation of other europium compounds.
  • Europium Fluoride (EuF3): Applied in the manufacturing of optical glasses and also serves as a doping agent for laser materials.
  • Europium Nitrate (Eu(NO3)3): Used in some specialized laboratory syntheses and as a precursor for preparing europium-doped materials, which are utilized in various luminescent applications.

Basics on Europium –Wikipedia