
B boron nanoparticles/nanopowder 
B4C boron carbide nanoparticles/nanopowder
BN boron nitride nanoparticles 
TiB2  Titanium Boride Nanoparticles
HfB2 Hafnium Boride Nanoparticles
VB  Vanadium Boride Micronpowder
VB2 Vanadium Diboride Micronpowder  
FeB   Iron Boride Micronpowder
CoB  Cobalt Boride Micronpowder
TaB  Tantalum Boride Micronpowder
WB  Tungsten Boride Micronpowder
WB2 Tungsten Diboride Micropowder 
JMoB Molybdenum Boride Micronpowder  
NbB2 Niobium Diboride Micronpowder
MnB2 Manganese Boride Micronpowder
MoB2 Molybdenum Diboride Micronpowder 
CaB6 Calcium Boride Micronpowder
AlB2  Aluminum Boride Micronpowder
SiB6  Silicon Boride Micronpowder
MgB2 Magnesium Boride Micronpowder
Ni2B  Nickel Boride Micronpowder 
CrB2 ChroMium Boride Micronpowder    

Boron (B), element number 5 on the periodic table, is a unique and versatile element with several key physical characteristics, applications, and important compounds. Here’s an overview:

Physical Characteristics:

  • Appearance: Boron is a hard, black, or dark brown substance, depending on its crystalline form. It can exist in several allotropes, including amorphous boron, which is a brown powder, and crystalline boron, which is hard, black, and has a shiny appearance similar to metal.
  • Atomic Number: 5
  • Atomic Mass: 10.81 u
  • Melting Point: About 2076°C (3769°F)
  • Boiling Point: About 3927°C (7101°F)
  • Density: 2.34 g/cm³ (amorphous form) and about 2.37 g/cm³ (crystalline form at 20°C)


  • Aerospace and Defense: Used in high-strength, lightweight materials such as boron fibers, which are added to composite materials for aircraft and spacecraft.
  • Nuclear Industry: Boron is a neutron absorber, making it useful in nuclear reactors as a control rod material and in radiation shields.
  • Semiconductors: Boron is used as a doping agent in the production of semiconductors, modifying the electrical properties of silicon and other semiconductor materials.
  • Abrasives: Boron carbide, one of the hardest known materials, is used in tank armor, bulletproof vests, and various industrial applications requiring extremely hard and wear-resistant materials.


  • Boric Acid (H₃BO₃): Used as an antiseptic, insecticide, flame retardant, neutron absorber, and precursor to other chemical compounds.
  • Borax (Na₂B₄O₇·10H₂O): Used in laundry and cleaning products, as a flux in metallurgy, and in the manufacture of glass and ceramics.
  • Boron Nitride (BN): Exists in several forms, including hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), which is similar to graphite, and cubic boron nitride (c-BN), one of the hardest known materials. It’s used as a lubricant, in cutting tools, and for high-temperature equipment.
  • Boron Carbide (B₄C): Noted for its hardness, it’s used in abrasives, armor plating, and high-pressure water jet cutter nozzles.

Basics on Boron-Wikipedia