

Al aluminum nanoparticles/nanopowder

Al2O3 aluminum oxide nanoparticles/nanopowder

Al(OH)3 aluminum hydroxide nanoparticles/nanopowder 

Al-Si aluminum silicon alloy nanoparticles/nanopowder

AlB2 aluminum boride micronpowder

AlN aluminum nitride nanoparticles/nanopowder

Aluminum (Al), with atomic number 13, is a lightweight, silvery-white metal known for its low density, high strength-to-weight ratio, and excellent corrosion resistance due to the formation of a protective oxide layer. It is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust and the third most abundant element overall. 

Physical Characteristics

  • Appearance: Silvery-white, lightweight metal.
  • Density: Approximately 2.70 g/cm³, which is about one-third the density of steel.
  • Melting Point: About 660.32°C (1,220.58°F).
  • Boiling Point: Approximately 2,467°C (4,473°F).
  • Electrical Conductivity: Good conductor of electricity, though less than copper.
  • Thermal Conductivity: High, making it useful in heat exchange applications.
  • Malleability and Ductility: Highly malleable and ductile, can be easily processed into various shapes.


Al is known for its excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. Predominantly used in the transportation sector, aluminum enhances fuel efficiency in vehicles and aircraft by reducing overall weight. Additionally, it’s crucial in packaging, construction, and electrical industries for its durability and formability.


Key aluminum compounds include Aluminum Oxide (Al₂O₃), used in aluminum production and as an abrasive; Aluminum Sulfate (Al₂(SO₄)₃), critical in water treatment and paper manufacturing; Aluminum Chloride (AlCl₃), a catalyst in chemical synthesis; and Aluminum Hydroxide (Al(OH)₃), employed in fire retardants and water purification. These compounds exemplify aluminum’s versatility in industrial, environmental, and chemical applications.